Coyote Lures & Scents
First of all, it is imperative to make a difference between lures and scents. In most cases a lure contains food or other foreign ingredients while a scent contains parts of the animals for which it is used. There are two types of lures and three types of coyote scents.
Food Lures
If you do not want to distribute food or you do not have a food plot for coyote, food lures work very good for bringing coyotes to your hunting area. It is advisable to avoid using those food lures that do not grow in the area, except for the curiosity lures which are explained below. Avoid putting the lures too close to your blind or stand. Food lures are not effective during the rut.
Types of food lures: based on oil of plants and roots, juices of meats, fruit extracts.
Types of food lures: based on oil of plants and roots, juices of meats, fruit extracts.
Curiosity Lures
These are odors that animals don't recognize in their environment. The curiosity lures should be used especially during the rut. To keep the coyote's attention, it is recommended to place a curiosity lure in a small depression under the bottom edge of the lure object. A curiosity lure attracts coyotes because of its unusual smell. Droppings on the lure object add to its appeal. Coyote urine or gland lure also can be placed on the droppings.
Types of curiosity lures: oils of Anise, Cumin, beaver castor, tonquin musk.
Types of curiosity lures: oils of Anise, Cumin, beaver castor, tonquin musk.
The tiny pups live and play in the burrow until they are 6-10 weeks of age, when their mother starts to take them hunting in an organized group. The family progressively breaks up, and by the fall season the pups are frequently hunting alone. Within the passing of one year, they set out on their own way, staking out individual territory, and thus another life circle begins.
Passion Scents
The passion scents should be used as follows: position yourself within 20 yards (approximately 18 meters) of your stand and place about 11 drops of scent on the brush or tree trunk and circle the stand by reapplying the same quantity of cents in all directions. Using this method will allow the scent to carry not depending on the direction of the wind. After doing so, you should walk to the stand and apply about 11 drops to a surrounding tree or brush. When you sit in a tree stand you mustn't place the scent at a sitting high level, with other words, you must keep the scent in such a place where it can be easily detected.
Types of passion scents: urine, hormones, pheromone secretions.
Types of passion scents: urine, hormones, pheromone secretions.
Natural Scents
In order to get the proper results, they have to be aged and also preserved for a suitable period of time. If a natural scent post is not available, a piece of rotten wood, dried cow chip or clump of sod can be moved to the area as a lure object.
Types of natural scents: taken from the female during the period in which she is not in heat.
Types of natural scents: taken from the female during the period in which she is not in heat.
Cover Scents
Most of the experienced hunters recommend using skunk cover scent. It is recommended to cover the open bottle top with a cotton ball, tip the bottle and after that hang the scented cotton ball onto one of the legs of a bipod or something similar. Although skunk is the most popular scent, it is very strong and can really smell up your car if you are not careful
Types of cover scents: skunk, raccoon, red fox, pine, cedar, sweet corn.
Types of cover scents: skunk, raccoon, red fox, pine, cedar, sweet corn.
Top 5 Amazon Coyote Scents
Below is a list with the best coyote scents found by our researchers. Any of the products can be bought by clicking the "Buy from" button.
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